moved · relaxed · self aware
with Ludmilla Weber
I teach
- Yoga, fitness, walking&running
- relaxation, breathing
- body awareness
In the form of
- personal training
- group training
- courses and seminars
I am happy to welcome you in my movement room in Soglio. Whenever possible, we train outside in the beautiful nature. On request I can organise courses for you with date, place and content according to your ideas.
Ludmilla Weber M.Sc. Movement Sciences and Sports ETH Zürich, Physical Trainer and Therapist BGB (Swiss federation for Health-and Fitness Professionals), Certified Yoga Master. Further education in Spiraldynamik®, Anatomy Trains® in Motion, Franklin-Method®.
Target group Couch potatoes and top athletes, adolescents and aging, life artists and workaholics, lovers of sports, gymnastics, dance and yoga benefit from my tailormade lessons.
Language German, Italian, English, French
Ludmilla Weber
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+41 79 356 48 90