
A day in Bregaglia

Discovering Bregaglia in one day


For the family 

  • Smugglerr trail
  • Caseificio Pungell

From the parking lot in Orden in Maloja, follow the smuggler's trail to Bitabergh Lake. In search of the hidden treasure, you will immerse yourself in the world of smuggling at the beginning of the 19th century thanks to 17 educational stations. After a short refreshing snack at the picturesque Bitabergh Lake, you will return to Maloja via Cavloc or along the same path.

In the afternoon, after a tasty packed lunch or lunch in one of the valley restaurants, visit the Pungell farm. Cows, goats, chickens and, of course, the Pedroni family will welcome you to the cheese dairy where, with the help of the cheesemaker, you can prepare a delicious cheese with your own hands. 

Art and Culture 

  • Segantini Weg
  • Pretorio
  • Museo Ciäsa Granda
  • Palazzo Castelmur
  • Soglio

The day begins in Maloja in the footsteps of Segantini, 12 information panels will introduce you to the life and work of the artist. After the walk, you will visit the Pretorio of Vicosoprano, the old seat of the town hall, where you can still see the instruments of torture used to extort confessions in the time of the witches.

Lunch in one of the restaurants in the valley before visiting the ethnographic museum of Bregaglia, the Ciäsa Granda. In the old house dating back to 1600 you can admire various works by the artists of the Giacometti family. Then continue on foot to Castelmur Palace, where a brand new audio guide will tell you about the history of the valley.

There is no better way to end the day than with an aperitif in the historic village of Soglio, a village that has inspired many artists over the years.

From Castasegna to Maloja

  • Chestnut forest
  • Soglio
  • Albigna
  • Torre Bel Vedere

With the first rays of sunlight, you enter among the trees of the largest cultivated chestnut grove in Europe. The didactic path with 16 stations will introduce you to some particular aspects regarding the flora and fauna of the territory, the varieties of chestnuts and their cultivation. From Castasegna we move to Soglio, the picturesque village in 2015 was named the most beautiful village in Switzerland and won the Wakker prize. In the afternoon hike in the high mountains. With the cable car from Pranzaira we go up to the Albigna dam, and then follow an easy mountain path up to the hut where we can refresh ourselves with a cool drink and enjoy a good piece of cake. Back in the valley, we head to Maloja, where from the Belvedere tower you have a panoramic view of the Bergell valley.

  • "Aktuelles Wetter"

    Mo Montag 2. Dezember 2024 2.12 klar

    Prognose für die nächsten Tage

    Di Dienstag 3. Dezember 2024 3.12 bedeckt und trocken -6° |
    Mi Mittwoch 4. Dezember 2024 4.12 teilweise sonnig -9° | -2°
    Do Donnerstag 5. Dezember 2024 5.12 ziemlich sonnig -9° | -1°
    Fr Freitag 6. Dezember 2024 6.12 stark bewölkt, zeitweise Schnee -6° |
    Sa Samstag 7. Dezember 2024 7.12 stark bewölkt, schwacher Schnee -4° |

    Quelle: MeteoSchweiz

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