Diego Giacometti
decorator and designer
Foto: Atelier di Diego Giacometti a Parigi © Frédéric BROLLO
He was born in Borgonovo in 1902, thirteen months after his brother Alberto. Allready as a child, Diego posed as a model for his twelve year old brother's sculptures, the first of which was "The Head of Diego."
After traveling halfway around the world, in 1925, Diego settled in Paris with Alberto. There he began to create furniture out of bronze and plaster.
When Alberto began his portrait studies, Diego became his model and assistent. He prepared the frameworks and plaster casts for Alberto's sculptures. However, Diego also became well-known as a furniture maker. At first, he designed and produced vases, lamps and tablebases and then whole pieces of furniture.
After Alberto's death, Diego concentrated himself more on his expressionistic art and his furniture became sculptures in and of themeselves. Already as a child, he liked animal sculpures. Now, he began creating them.
When he was eighty years old, Diego took on one larger project, creating the furniture for the Picasso Museum in Paris. He died June 15, 1985. His grave is next to his parents' and his brother, Alberto's grave.
Some of his works are exhibited in the museum Ciasa Granda in Stampa.
Foto: Atelier di Diego Giacometti a Parigi © Frédéric BROLLO